21 September 2011 2 Comments

Regarding WordCamp Philippines 2011


The WordCamp Philippines team regrets to inform the Filipino WordPress community that we will not be holding a WordCamp Philippines event this year. We had hoped against hope to go through with it, but due to scheduling and time constraints, we decided that it just wasn’t possible. Our apologies go out to all those who were looking forward to it and to those whose questions as to whether the event was going to happen or not went unanswered.

Now for the good news: Plans for a WordCamp Philippines 2012 are already underway! A date and location are not yet finalized but it will definitely take place in Manila late next year. Watch this site for future announcements. Thank you.

22 December 2010 1 Comment

Official WebHosting Partner: Solid Hosting

WebHosting Partner: Solid Hosting

WebHosting Partner: Solid Hosting

A lot of WordCamp PH 2010 attendees were overly excited during the raffle draw during the event. Our Official WebHosting Partner, SolidHosting.PH gave away 40 one-year hosting packages. Amazing, right?

SolidHosting.PH is a Philippine-based web hosting provider, which gives is definitely blogger-friendly. Aside from affordable and reliable hosting packages, Solid Hosting also provides domain registration services.

If you want a reliable Philippine webhosting service, check out SolidHosting.PH now.

The WordCamp Ph 2010 organizers, volunteers, and participants would like to thank SolidHosting.PH and Marlon Guzman for their generous support of the event!

14 October 2010 0 Comments

Partner Organization: CSB Association of Information Management

Association of Information Management

Association of Information Management

As in 2008, the Partner Organization for WordCamp Philippines 2010 is the Association of Management Information (AIM) of the DLSU – College of St. Benilde. AIM is the professional student organization of BS Information Systems students of DLSU-CSB. The aspires to “develop holistic individuals by honing their multiple intelligences and establishing internal and external linkages with the guidance of the Benildean core values.” In 2008 and 2009, AIM was awarded as the Best Organization in CSB.
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6 October 2010 5 Comments

Speaker Slides Now Available for Download


First of all, the entire WordCamp Philippines 2010 Organizing Team would like to thank you again for making the event a success!

Many of you requested to put the speaker slides up for download. It’s not complete yet, but you can start downloading them here. Expect to see all of them on the page in a few weeks (one of the speakers is busy moving houses!).


6 October 2010 14 Comments

Thanks for a Successful WordCamp Philippines 2010!


Matt Mullenweg at WordCamp Philippines 2010

“A Certified Hit” was how one of the campers described WordCamp Philippines 2010.

The event, which took place last Saturday, October 2 at the College of St. Benilde, brought together close to 300 attendees — proof of the increasing popularity of WordPress in the Philippines.

Campers at WordCamp Philippines 2010

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28 September 2010 5 Comments

WordCamp Philippines 2010 Dress Code


Greetings! The big day is just around the corner and we would like to quickly remind you that our venue, the College of St. Benilde, has a strict dress code that we must abide. The following are not allowed inside their campus:

  • slippers and thongs style footwear;
  • plunging necklines, tube tops, backless, one-shoulder, racer backs, off-shoulder, see-through, hanging blouses, spaghetti strap tops;
  • skirts or shorts more than 3 inches above the knee; or
  • cross dressing.

Please dress accordingly! See you soon!

27 September 2010 8 Comments

Ingress Dinner Sponsor: GandaEverSoMuch.com


WordCamp Philippines 2010 organizers and volunteers will be treated to dinner while preparing for the main event, during ingress on October. Ingress dinner is courtesy of our Ingress Dinner Sponsor: GandaEverSoMuch.com and the fab blogger behind the blog, Orman Manansala.

Already an influential banker in General Santos City, Orman Manansala further increased his influence and clout when he started his blog Ganda Ever So Much. After much prodding from his brother, Avel Manasala, and his blogger friends Lyle Santos and Brendel Balaga, Orman launched his blog in August 2009. Back then, he was issued a challenge: publish at least one blog post everyday.
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22 September 2010 7 Comments

Campers: Log your Gadgets!


We had just learned that our venue host, the College of St. Benilde, enforces a security measure that requires all participants to log in their gadgets prior to entering the premises. In that light, a new section has been added to your WordCamp Philippines Central account to easily submit information of your gadgets or electronic equipment that you intend to bring during WordCamp. These include laptop computers, tablet computers, iPads, handheld gaming consoles, DSLR cameras and video cameras. Cellular phones are exempted.

Click on the Gadgets Logbook link in the main menu. In the field provided, type in the device type, brand/make and serial number of ALL of your gadgets. This will expedite your entrance and any hassle involved in manually writing these down will be avoided.

Thank you for your cooperation!

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